Sandstone, Minnesota Festivals and Events
Sandstone, Minnesota is a festival loving town, with featured adventure events year round. The Sandstone Ice Festival and the Kettle River Paddle Fest got things started. Additionally Sandstone is home to Peter Fest, the MCA Fall climbers festival, Graduation weekend for Rapids Riders Canoe U.
Sandstone Ice Fest
Kick off the winter with the Sandstone Ice Festival. Adventure sports lovers gather to welcome in the ice climbing season.
Staring back in 2004 Robinson Park in Sandstone has hosted this annual event. Ice climbers, winter campers and outdoor adventurist travel from across the Midwest to share in the frozen fun.
Instructional clinics, demo gear, industry venders are all part of the action.
Kettle Fest
The Kettle River Paddle Festival is a gathering of whitewater paddling lovers.
When the Kettle River is high with spring melt – rafters, kayakers and brave canoeist flock to enjoy the whitewater fun.
The Kettle Fest has a downriver race, a whitewater rodeo, and a paddlers dinner open to everyone.
For more information on these local events check out
SandstoneIceFest.com and KettleRiverPaddleFest.com
Quarry Days
We also have a local town festival every summer in August, Quarry Days. There’s a town parade and street dance, kids events and outhouse races.
Join the small town fun of the Sandstone Minnesota Quarry Days in August.
more info at http://www.sandstonechamber.org/quarry-days.html
Sandstone Minnesota Festivals and Events
Interested in hosting an event in Sandstone Minnesota ?? Contact the Sandstone Tourism Development Council to see if you’re a good fit for our community. VisitsandStone@gmail.com